carried forward to even-numbered year, which 83 (3)
citation, when used in lieu of 7
clerical correction in, by chief clerk or legislative
reference bureau 56
enabling clause required 56 (3)(a)
engrossed copy, chief clerk may order reproduction of 63
history, information recorded 32 (1)
index to, published by subject and author 77 (1), (2)
by request, name to be recorded 55 (2)
four copies required 54 (2)
prohibited following last general
business floorperiod 83 (5)
veto review session, by organization committee of
either house 82 (1m)(f)
jacket, identification of regular or special session 79 (2), (3)
joint, to adjourn for more than 3 days 13
to rescind, amend, or suspend joint rules 96
quantity reproduced 62
bill to increase benefits (vote of 3/4 of
all members elected to both houses
required) 12 (2)(am)
budget bill provision analyzed by joint survey committee 41 (1)(b)
chief clerks as retirement agents for members and
employees 92
schedule of committee activities may announce meetings
of research, joint survey committee 75
Revisor of statutes:
correction or revision bill may use descriptive
bill title 52 (1)(e)
display of text in revisor's bills 52 (5)(a), 64 (1)(a)
enrolled bill copies delivered to 60 (1)
explanative notes, may include in correction or
revision bill 59
limited-business floorperiod, may submit correction
and revision bills81m (2)(a)
reproduction of notes with statutes, supervises 59
veto review session, may submit correction and
revision bills 82 (1m)(c)
Roll call day, definition99 (73)
Roll call vote, definition99 (74)
Roll call vote required:
appropriation bill (quorum of 3/5 of the members
elected required) 11 (2)
conference report approval (majority of quorum or
qualified majority) 3 (1)(b), (c)
constitutional amendment:
United States constitution (quorum of majority of
current membership required) 58 (2)
Wisconsin constitution (majority of elected
membership) 12 (2)(f)
expulsion of member (2/3 vote of members
elected required) 12 (2)(b)
fiscal bills defined (quorum of 3/5 of the members
elected required) 11 (2)
investigation by assembly (majority of elected
membership) 12 (2)(g)
trial by senate (2/3 vote of the members
elected required) 12 (2)(e)
joint rules: amend, create, or repeal, or suspend
(majority of the members elected) 96
judge, removal by address of the legislature (2/3 vote
required) 12 (2)(c)
pension bills (3/4 vote of all members elected to
both houses required) 12 (2)(am)
reproducing additional copies of proposal (majority of
quorum of actual membership) 62 (2)
state debt and bonding (majority of elected
membership)12 (2)(f)
suspending joint rule (2/3 vote or unanimous consent) 96 (3)
veto override (2/3 of members present) 12 (2)(d)
Rules, joint, of senate and assembly:
amend, create, or repeal, or suspend (majority of the
members elected) 96
constitutional grant of authority, each house determines
its rules10
continuity of joint rules 97
resolution rescinding or changing not to be acted on
until copies made available to
members for 24 hours 96 (2)
suspension of joint rule (2/3 vote of members present or
unanimous consent) 96 (3)
Rules of procedure, definition99 (75)
Ruling, definition99 (76)
Schedule of committee activities 75
Secretary of state:
enrolled bill or joint resolution, receives 4 copies 60 (1)
Senate chamber, definition99 (77)
Senate organization, committee on, see also Committee on
organization (of either house):
approves meetings of senate standing committees
outside capitol 84 (1)
defines subject areas assigned to senate standing
committees84 (3)
schedules session days for action on governor' appointments81 (3)(b)
Sergeant at arms, definition99 (78)
Service agencies, legislative: assist standing committees
with studies, investigations, or reviews 84 (4)
Session laws, biennial continuity of numbering sequence 79 (6)
Session schedule, general provisions 81 to 87
committees continue throughout biennial session 84
final adverse disposition of proposals after certain
floorperiods 83 (4)
floorperiods, extraordinary sessions 81 (2)
introduction and disposition of proposals 83
limited-business floorperiod81m
limited-business floorperiod, JCRAR81r, 83 (4)
periods of committee work 81 (3)
submitting approved bills to office of the governor 81 (4)
veto review session 82
Sine die adjournment, definition99 (79)
Speaker, definition99 (80)
Speaker of the assembly:
approves certain meetings of assembly standing
committees outside capitol 84 (1)
defines subject areas assigned to assembly standing
committees 84 (3)
facsimile signature on enrolled joint resolution 66 (2)
joint convention of legislature, presides if president
not present1
retirement system agent for assembly chief clerk 92
unusual correction in legislation, may authorize 56 (3)